FILPIN is made by FILHOL DENTAL, a company specialising in the manufacture of high quality retention pins for 40 years. Millions of FILPIN Dentine Pins have been used worldwide.

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  • 99.8% pure titanium
    biocompatible, will not corrode, compatible with all dental materials.
  • Self-shears first time, every time
    at optimum 2mm depth.
  • Self-threading, self-aligning shaft
    reduces crazing and cracking risk.
  • Long and slim
    slim for better visibility during placement helps pin to self-align
  • Unique ‘retentive’ thread
    thread maximizes retention strength without causing internal stresses.
  • Easy to bend after insertion
    insertion without breaking pin or tooth.
  • Pilot hole drill head
    drill head self-limited at shoulder to exact 2mm depth. Drills colour-coded with pin for ease of selection.

When to Use

  • To enhance retention to all types of dentine restorations by around 3 to 5 times. (Lo. C.S. et al., J Dent Res ‘94; 73:387).
  • To stabilise by cross-pinning MOD cavities.
  • To prevent rotation of restorations when a single post is used.

How to Use

Filpin - Restoration Retention System
Latch the correct sized drill head (for your chosen size of FILPIN) onto a slow-spreed handpiece and make a pilot hole up to the drill’s self-limiting depth of 2mm. Repeat as necessary. NB: Ensure the pilot hole is drilled at a speed of 1500rpm or less.
Filpin - Restoration Retention System
Latch a FILPIN onto the handpiece and insert into the hole – hardly any pressure is needed to encourage the pin to insert. Once the correct depth of 2mm is reached, FILPIN will self-shear at exactly the right point. Repeat as necessary. NB: Ensure the pin is inserted at a speed of 1000rpm or less.
Filpin - Restoration Retention System
If required, bend the protruding pin/s to suit the restoration. Final build up of the restoration can now take place.
Filpin - Restoration Retention System
The Final restoration.
Filpin - Restoration Retention System
For manual placement when dentine is too soft or depth is inadequate to give excellent tactile control.
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